All BeNimble stores automatically generate a sitemap.xml file that contains links to all your products, relevant pages and blog posts. This is used by search engines like Google and Bing to index your site so that your store's pages appear in search results. Submitting your sitemap to Google Search Console helps Google find and index valuable pages on your site. Your store's primary domain is the only domain that search engines index.

The process of crawling and indexing your site can take time, and Google doesn't guarantee how long it'll take. Learn more about what to expect when your site is indexed from the Google Search Console Help.

Find your sitemap

The sitemap file is located at the root directory of your BeNimble store's primary domain name. For example:

This sitemap file is automatically updated daily when you add a new webpage, product or blog post to your online store.

Note:  You can submit your sitemap at any time, but a sitemap is not generated for website that are not published.

Verify your site with Google

Third-party services like Pinterest and Google Webmaster require you to verify your domain. This makes sure that you are the correct owner of your BeNimble store before they provide their services to you.

Note: Once your site is verified with Google you will be able to submit a sitemap, which helps your store appear in search engine results.

Submit your sitemap to Google Search Console

You can submit your sitemap to Google Search Console to help Google find and index valuable pages on your site.


Note: You must enter sitemap.xml. Entering a different filename can cause Google to return an error.

After you submit your sitemap, Google uses it to crawl and index your site. The process can take time and Google doesn't guarantee how long it takes for your site to be crawled. To learn more or to troubleshoot, visit Google Search Console Help.