The order status will be IN PROGRESS when the payment is completed. Either you have manually captured the payment if a client has paid via EFT, or the client paid directly on your website (if available).
From the Nimbl Portal, under the STORE tab, click on ORDERS to open the drop down and click on the OPEN ORDERS button.
UNDER the IN PROGRESS tab, click on the VIEW button of the order you are busy with.
You will find all the relevant information needed of the order.
CUSTOMER DETAILS - Name, contact details and address for shipment purposes.
SHIPPING OPTION - What the client is charged for shipping. You can set this in STORE SETTINGS.
CAPTURED PAYMENTS - a recap of the payment date and method used.
NOTES - You can add notes to your orders. The system will also add notes when status changes or any actions are implemented.
ORDER ITEMS - What the client has ordered and paid for.
Your client has paid, so now you can send the invoice to him/her. NOTE: If the client has ordered online, the invoice will automatically be sent to the client. SEE: ORDER AUTOMATED EMAILS
From the Nimbl Portal, under the STORE tab, click on ORDERS to open the drop down and click on the OPEN ORDERS button.
UNDER the IN PROGRESS tab, click on the VIEW button of the order you are busy with.
Click on the DOWNLOAD INVOICE button.
Open the file and the invoice for the order will be available to save and send to your client.