Product Feeds: Categorising your products

How to assign your products to categories for Facebook and Google product feeds.

If you want to integrate your Nimbl Products to either Google Merchant centre, Facebook store or Instagram you will have to setup the Product Category firs.

All products are automatically assigned a product category from Google’s continuously evolving product taxonomy. Providing high quality, on-topic titles and descriptions, as well as accurate pricing, brand, and GTIN information will help ensure your products are correctly categorised.

To define your own product category for your products, you can follow the simple instructions below. You can use both of the below options together, or just one of them.


Each merchant has his own category names. But Google cannot manage all the possible and unimaginable names. So to solve this problem, Google created official category names and each merchant must match his own categories with these. Moreover, this official category taxonomy being different for each Google Shopping country, you must do the matching for each country in which you want to diffuse Shopping campaigns.

To find your Google Product Category ID, please use one of the following methods:

  • Download the official Google Product Category Taxonomy file (CSV) here: Download Category SpreadsheetThe number in the left most column(A) is the Google Product Category ID that you will want to insert into one of the options below

  • Visit the website to filter through the same list as the above CSV. This is easier as you can filter for example "Shirts" and see all categories which has "shirts" in it.

  • Alternatively visit the website which also has a version where you can search as per the above website example.

After you have located your Google Product Category ID please see the options below:


If all your products are likely to be in the same Google Product Category, you can make use of our 'global' categorisation feature. This will apply the same Google Product Category to all of your products, with a single click.

For your Google Feeds and Facebook & Instagram feeds to become available you will have to enter a Global Category ID first and save:

  • This global option can still be overridden by using Option 2 below, on a per-product basis.

  • Click on Store Settings > Sales Channels in the left hand menu of your Nimbl Portal.

  • Enter the Google Product Category that matches your product. To find the correct category, please see the top of this help section.

  • Click on the Save button. All your products which does not have its own unique category ID as setup in option 2 below, will be marked by this Global ID which you just saved.

  • You can always update this later on if you need to


  • If you would like to add a category on a per-product level, you can do so while editing a specific product.

  • Click on a product in your Nimbl Portal to edit it.

  • While editing the product, under the DESCRIPTIONS tab there is a field for Google/Facebook Feed Category ID.

  • Enter the Google Product Category that matches your product. To find the correct category, please see the top of this article.