To optimize your online store for search engines, you can follow a few basic steps:

Note: Google indexes your site automatically within 48 to 72 hours after you add or update information. You can't force Google to re-index your site, but you can prompt them to do so by using Google Search Console. Google doesn't index all of the pages on a site. Learn more about what to expect when your site is indexed from the Google Search Console Help.

Create content that's relevant to your products and encourage other websites to link back to your online store.

You can find more information about each of these steps in the other articles within this section.

Built-in SEO features in BeNimble STORE

Our online stores have SEO built in and features to help you optimize your content. Some SEO is taken care of automatically: auto-generated canonical tags are added to pages to prevent duplicate content from appearing in search results, your website’s sitemap.xml and robots.txt files are automatically generated, and themes automatically generate meta title and description tags that include your store name. Also, themes are required to have social media linking options to make it easier for you to market your store.